Make room! make room!

À propos

A gangster is murdered during a blistering Manhattan heat wave. City cop Andy Rusch is under pressure solve the crime and captivated by the victim's beautiful girlfriend. But it is difficult to catch a killer, let alone get the girl, in crazy streets crammed full of people. The planet's population has exploded. The 35 million inhabitants of New York City run their TVs off pedal power, riot for water, loot and trample for lentil 'steaks' and are controlled by sinister barbed wire dropped from the sky.Written in 1966 and set in 1999, Make Room! Make Room! is a witty and unnerving story about stretching the earth's resources, and the human spirit, to breaking point.

  • Auteur(s)

    Harry Harrison

  • Éditeur

    Adult Pbs

  • Distributeur


  • Date de parution


  • Collection

    Modern Classics

  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Nombre de pages

    232 Pages

  • Longueur

    19.8 cm

  • Largeur

    12.9 cm

  • Épaisseur

    1.4 cm

  • Poids

    179 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format
