Comptes rendus Académie des sciences, Mécanique, tome 333, fasc 9, Septembre 2005 : computational AeroAcoustics : from acoustic sources to farfield...
Sagaut Jean-Marc
- Elsevier
- 21 Octobre 2005
- 9782756200255
An acoustic analogy applied to the laminar upstream flow over an open 2D cavity -Jonas Ask, Lars Davidson. Some useful hybrid approaches for predicting aerodynamic noise -Christophe Bailly, Christophe Bogey, Xavier Gloerfelt. Computational aeroacoustics applications based on a discontinuous Galerkin method -Philippe Delorme, Pierre Mazet, Christophe Peyret, Yoan Ventribout. ADER discontinuous Galerkin schemes for aeroacoustics -Michael Dumbser, Claus-Dieter Munz. Acoustic source terms study for non-isothermal flows using an aeroacoustic hybrid approach -François Golanski, Christian Prax. Study of stabilization methods for computational aeroacoustics -Ronan Guénanff, Marc Terracol. Strictly stable high order difference approximations for computational aeroacoustics -Bernhard Müller, Stefan Johansson. Multiple-scale modelling of acoustic sources in low Mach-number flow -Claus-Dieter Munz, Roland Fortenbach, Michael Dumbser. A stable and efficient hybrid method for aeroacoustic sound generation and propagation -Jan Nordstrüm, Jing Gong. Verification of higher-order discontinuous Galerkin method for hexahedral elements -Hüseyin Ozdemir, Rob Hagmeijer, Hendrik Willem Marie Hoeijmakers. Computational aeroacoustics using the B-spline collocation method -Ronny Widjaja, Andrew Ooi, Li Chen, Richard Manasseh.
Comptes rendus Académie des sciences, Physique, tome 7, fasc 5, Juin 2006 : electromagnetic modelling / Modélisation électromagnétique
Gobin Vincent
- Elsevier
- 27 Octobre 2006
- 9782756201528
Foreword. Some applications of substructuring and domain decomposition techniques to radiation and scattering of time-harmonic electromagnetic waves. Sub-domain methods for collaborative electromagnetic computations. Discontinuous Galerkin methods for Maxwell's equations in the time domain. Realistic numerical modelling of human head tissue exposure to electromagnetic waves from cellular phones. A numerical strategy for a high frequency electromagnetic scattering problem in a mixed formulation. Stable integral equations for the iterative solution of electromagnetic scattering problems. High order generalized impedance boundary conditions in electromagnetic scattering problems. Probabilistic modelling of stochastic interactions between electromagnetic fields and systems.
Comptes rendus Académie des sciences, Mécanique, Tome 334, fasc 8-9, AoûtSeptembre 2006 : Observation, analysis and modelling in complex fluid media
Fabien Anselmet
- Elsevier
- 27 Octobre 2006
- 9782756201535
Preface. Foreword. Scalar dissipation and flame surface density in premixed turbulent combustion. Raison d'être and general formulation of two-point statistical description of turbulent premixed combustion. Iso-scalar surfaces, mixing and reaction in turbulent flows. Dissipation element analysis of scalar fields in turbulence. Comparison of transported scalar PDF and velocity-scalar PDF approaches to 'Delft flame III'. Significance of DNS in combustion science. Two recent developments in numerical simulation of premixed and partially premixed turbulent flames. Turbulent channel flow concentration profile and wall deposition of a large Schmidt number passive scalar. Sedimentation of small praticles : how can such a simple problem be so difficult? Modelling and simulation of powder-snow avalanches. On the modelling of piping erosion. Settling classes for fine suspended particles. On the role of the Jeffreys' sheltering mechanism in sustaining extreme water waves.
Comptes rendus Académie des sciences, Mécanique, tome 335, fasc 5-6, Mai-Juin 2007 : melting and solidification : processes and models
El Ganaoui Mohammed
- Elsevier
- 3 Septembre 2007
- 9782756202273
Foreword/Avant-propos. Secondary and oscillatory gravitational instabilities in canonical three-dimensional models of crystal growth from the melt. Part 1: Rayleigh-Bénard systems. Secondary and oscillatory gravitational instabilities in canonical three-dimensional models of crystal growth from the melt. Part 2: lateral heating and the Hadley circulation. 3D macrosegregation simulation with anisotropic remeshing. A thermo-hydraulic numerical model to study spot laser welding. Three-dimensional finite lement model for metal displacement and heat transfer in squeeze casting processes. Lattice Boltzmann method for melting/solidification problems. Thermal vibrational convection in a two-phase stratified liquid. Theoretical confirmation of the crystallization of a compound alloy using the AHP crystal growth method. Controlling the growth interface shape in the growth of CdTe single crystals by the traveling heater method. Control of melt convection by a travelling magnetic filed during the directional solidification of Al-Ni alloys. A quasi two-dimensional benchmark experiment for the solidification of a tin-lead binary alloy. Geometry of the melting interface in cylindrical metal rods under microgravity conditions. Modeling fragmentation of plasma-sprayed particles impacting on a solid surface at room temperature.
Comptes rendus Académie des sciences, Physique, tome 8, fasc 5-6, Juin-Août 2007 : work, dissipation, and fluctuations in nonequilibrium...
Derrida Bernard
- Elsevier
- 7 Septembre 2007
- 9782756202310
Foreword. Fluctuation relation, fluctuation theorem, thermostats and entropy creation in non-equilibrium statistical physics. Comparison of far-from-equilibrium work relations. Stationary state fluctuation theorems for driven Langevin systems. Experimental study of work fluctuations in a harmonic oscillator. The nonequilibrium thermodynamics of small systems. Cumulants and large deviations of the current through non-equilibrium steady states. Work and heat probability distributions in out-of-equilibrium systems. Fluctuation and dissipation. Network and thermodynamic conditions for a single macroscopic current fluctuation theorem. Static and dynamical nonequilibrium fluctuations. Temporal ordering of nonequilibrium fluctuations as a corollary of the second law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic formalism and large deviation functions in continuous time Markov dynamics. Negative entropy production in oscillatory processes. Lyapunov modes for a nonequilibrium system with a heat flux. Short-time fluctuations of displacements and work. Power injected in a granular gas. Bidirectional control-a unifying view of structure and function of proteins. Nonequilibrium decay of the thermal diffusion in a tilted periodic potential. Quantum fluctuation theorem: Can we go from micro to meso?. Dynamics of fluctuations in non-Markovian systems. Relativistic fluctuation theorems.
Comptes rendus Académie des sciences, Physique, tome 5, fasc 9-10, Nov-Déc 2004 : string theory and fundamental forces...
- Elsevier
- 15 Décembre 2004
- 9782848758572
Comptes rendus Académie des sciences, Physique, tome 5, fasc 7, Septembre 2004 : ice : from dislocations to icy satellites...
- Elsevier
- 15 Septembre 2004
- 9782848758558
Comptes rendus Académie des sciences, Physique, tome 5, fasc 5, Juin 2004 : microfluidics / Microfluide
- Elsevier
- 15 Juin 2004
- 9782848758534