Les meilleures pratiques d l'entreprise et de la finance durables
Julien Haumont, Bernard Marois
- Organisation
- Finance
- 21 Octobre 2010
- 9782212547467
Le développement durable, une opportunité de croissance pour l'entreprise L'émergence du développement durable a amené beaucoup d'entreprises à intégrer des préoccupations d'ordres éthique ou environnemental dans leur stratégie. En s'appuyant sur de nombreux exemples d'entreprises de premier plan (La Poste, Thalès, Lafarge, Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, etc.), cet ouvrage montre comment elles ont progressivement assimilé les retombées positives de cette évolution :
-apparition d'opportunités de croissance ;
-perception des ressources humaines comme un actif ;
-naissance de nouvelles activités.
De nouveaux métiers et de nouveaux secteurs de la finance sont ainsi apparus : directions du développement durable dans les entreprises, mais aussi agences de notation extra financières, capital risque dédié, sociétés de conseil en capital immatériel, gestion ISR ou finance carbone. C'est un nouveau modèle économique réconciliant développement durable et exigences de rentabilité qui est analysé ici dans le détail. Les meilleures pratiques de l'entreprise et de la finance durables sera utile aussi bien aux praticiens (financiers, chefs d'entreprise) et aux pouvoirs publics (collectivités locales) qu'aux étudiants en économie
choisir des produits non toxiques respectueux de l'environnement ?
réussir ses propres recettes de nettoyants ménagers ?
limiter la pollution électromagnétique ?
économiser l'eau et l'énergie ?
opter pour des solutions écologiques (éclairage, chauffage, peintures, linge, meubles, ustensiles...) ? acheter responsable, trier, bien recycler, chiner... ?
En bref, comment bien s'occuper de sa maison quand on est soucieuse de sa santé et de son environnement ?
Ce guide regorge d'infos (résultats d'expériences scientifiques, état de la recherche, propos d'experts...), de conseils, astuces, recettes et bonnes adresses pour adopter un mode de vie en conformité avec vos souhaits, tout en vous simplifiant la vie.
Les témoignages qui ponctuent le livre sont autant d'idées à essayer sans plus tarder !
Le guide écolo pour se sentir bien chez soi -
Situation des forêts du monde (édition 2011)
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 3 Mars 2011
- 9789252067504
La neuvième édition du rapport biennal Situation des forêts du monde, publié au seuil de 2011, proclamée Année internationale des forêts, se penche sur le thème "Changer les voies, changer les vies : les forêts des voies multiples vers le développement durable". Elle adopte une approche plus globaliste des multiples façons dont les forêts étayent les moyens d'existence. Les chapitres réunis pour cette édition de la Situation des forêts du monde mettent en exergue quatre domaines clés qui méritent une plus grande attention: les tendances régionales des ressources forestières, le développement durable du secteur forestier, l'adaptation aux changements climatiques et l'atténuation de leurs effets, et enfin la valeur locale des forêts. Examinés ensemble, ces thèmes donnent un aperçu de la véritable contribution des forêts à la création de moyens d'existence durables et à la réduction de la pauvreté.
Guide de la maison économe ; la solution écologique
- Organisation
- 28 Février 2008
- 9782212540499
Confort, rénovation, construction...
Quel que soit votre projet d'habitation, ce guide écologique vous donne tous les tuyaux pour faire des économies... d'énergie et d'argent ! il commence par donner conseils, trucs et astuces pour réduire ses dépenses d'énergie au quotidien. organisé ensuite par type d'énergie, il décrit de façon pédagogique les différentes innovations disponibles et il délivre pas à pas les démarches qui permettent d'en profiter.
Conçu par des spécialistes, ce guide met leur savoir-faire à la portée de tous.
L'atlas du développement durable et responsable
Gilles Pennequin, Antoine-tristan Mocilnikar
- Organisation
- 24 Février 2011
- 9782212546903
Tout le monde aujourd'hui, du citoyen au responsable politique international, est concerné par le développement durable. Dans cet atlas, près de 100 auteurs, experts dans leur domaine, abordent, dans des contributions de fond, les grands enjeux planétaires, nationaux, régionaux et locaux, ainsi que les problématiques durables des politiques publiques et d'entreprise. Un ouvrage indispensable pour comprendre comment les décisions d'aujourd'hui dessinent la France et le monde de demain.
Fostering innovation for green growth
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 16 Septembre 2011
- 9789264119918
Innovation is key to green growth. It helps decouple growth from natural capital depletion and contributes to economic growth and job creation. Business is the driver of innovation, but governments need to provide clear and stable market signals, e.g. through carbon pricing. This book explores policy actions for the deployment of new technologies and innovations as they emerge: investment in research and development, support for commercialisation, strengthening markets and fostering technology diffusion. Competition will be essential to bring out the best solutions.
Vers des comportements plus environnementaux ; vue d'ensemble de l'enquête 2011
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 14 Mai 2014
- 9789264195370
Il est indispensable de bien comprendre les facteurs qui influencent les décisions des individus à l´égard de l'environnement si l´on veut élaborer des stratégies de croissance qui favorisent des modes de vie plus « verts ». Les récents travaux menés par
Marine biotechnology ; enabling solutions for ocean productivity and sustainability
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 8 Novembre 2013
- 9789264194236
This report considers the potential of marine biotechnology to contribute to economic and social prosperity by making use of recent advances in science and technology. It discusses scientific and technological tools at the centre of a renewed interest in marine biotechnology, contributing to a new bioeconomy sector in many countries, and offering potential new solutions to global challenges. It also examines how these advances are improving our understanding of marine life and facilitating access to, and study of, marine organisms and ecosystems, and it considers the largely untapped potential of these bioresources.
This promise is considered alongside the challenges associated with the development of these resources which exist with complex ecosystems and fluidly distributed in a vast, largely shared environment. The report makes the case for a new global framework for the sustainable development of marine biotechnology and identifies some areas that will benefit from focused attention as governments develop policies to support it. In addition to this prospective view, this report identifies some early policy lessons learned by the governments which are leading attempts to benefit from bioresources.
Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Italie 2013
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 4 Janvier 2014
- 9789264186224
Ce rapport est le troisième examen des performances environnementales de l'Italie. Il évalue les progrès vers le développement durable et la croissance verte, et met l'accent sur les politiques qui favorisent une gestion plus efficace et efficiente de l'eau et la lutte contre le changement climatique.
Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Mexique 2013
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 25 Avril 2014
- 9789264185111
Le programme d'examens environnementaux de l'OCDE propose des évaluations indépendantes des progrès accomplis par les pays eu égard à leurs engagements nationaux et internationaux en matière d'environnement, ainsi que des recommandations orientées vers l'action des pouvoirs publics. Ces examens ont pour objectif de promouvoir l'apprentissage entre pairs, d'encourager les pays à rendre compte de leur action aux autres pays et à leur opinion publique, ainsi que d'améliorer les performances environnementales des gouvernements, individuellement et collectivement. Les analyses s'appuient sur un large éventail de données économiques et environnementales. Chaque cycle d'examens environnementaux couvre la totalité des pays membres de l'OCDE ainsi que certains pays partenaires.Les examens les plus récents sont: l'Allemagne (2012), la Slovénie (2012), Israël (2011) et la République slovaque (2011).Ce rapport est le troisième examen environnemental du Mexique. Il évalue les progrès vers le développement durable et la croissance verte et met l'accent sur les politiques relatives au changement climatique, à la conservation de la biodiversité et des forêts.
Water and Climate Change Adaptation ; policies to navigate uncharted waters
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 8 Novembre 2013
- 9789264200432
This report sets out the challenge for freshwater in a changing climate and provides policy guidance on how to navigate this new "waterscape". It highlights the range of expected changes in the water cycle and the challenge of making practical, on-site adaptation decisions for water. It offers policymakers a risk-based approach to better "know", "target" and "manage" water risks and proposes policy guidelines to prioritise action and improve the efficiency, timeliness and equity of adaptation responses.
The report also highlights general trends and good practices drawn from the OECD Survey of Policies on Water and Climate Change Adaptation, covering all 34 member countries and the European Commission. Individual country profiles are available, which provide a snapshot of the challenges posed by climate change for freshwater and the emerging policy responses (on-line only).
Finally, the report highlights the benefits of well-designed economic instruments (e.g. insurance schemes, water trading, water pricing), ecosystem-based approaches and `real options´ approaches to financing. These approaches can improve the flexibility of water policy and investment, reducing the cost of adjusting to changing conditions.
National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets 2013
Ocde - Organisation
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 23 Août 2014
- 9789264209763
The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets includes financial stocks (both financial assets and liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial instrument.
OECD environmental performance reviews : Sweden (édition 2014)
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 28 Mars 2015
- 9789264213692
This report is the third OECD review of Sweden's environmental performance. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with a focus on Sweden's longstanding commitment to mitigating emissions of greenhouse gases and its management of marine ecosystem services and water.
Towards green growth in southeast Asia
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 8 Avril 2015
- 9789264224070
Southeast Asia's booming economy offers tremendous growth potential, but also large and interlinked economic, social and environmental challenges. The region's current growth model is based in large part on natural resource exploitation, exacerbating these challenges. This report provides evidence that, with the right policies and institutions, Southeast Asia can pursue green growth and thus sustain the natural capital and environmental services, including a stable climate, on which prosperity depends.Carried out in consultation with officials and researchers from across the region, Towards Green Growth in Southeast Asia provides a framework for regional leaders to design their own solutions to move their countries towards green growth.
Water Security for Better Lives
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 30 Novembre 2013
- 9789264202399
This publication examines the critical issues surrounding water security (water shortage, water excess, inadequate water quality, the resilience of freshwater systems), providing a rationale for a risk-based approach and the management of trade-offs between water and other (sectoral and environmental) policies.
The report sets out a three-step process to "know", "target" and "manage" water risks: (1) appraising the risks, (2) judging the tolerability and acceptability of risks and weighing risk-risk trade-offs, and (3) calibrating appropriate responses.
The publication provides policy analysis and guidance on the use of market-based instruments and the complex links between water security and other policy objectives, such as food security, energy security, climate mitigation and biodiversity protection.
Climate Resilience in Development Planning ; Experiences in Colombia and Ethiopia
Ocde - Organisation
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 23 Août 2014
- 9789264209497
Climate-related disasters have inflicted increasingly high losses on developing countries, and with climate change, these losses are likely to worsen. Improving country resilience against climate risks is therefore vital for achieving poverty reduction and economic development goals.
This report discusses the current state of knowledge on how to build climate resilience in developing countries. It argues that climate-resilient development requires moving beyond the climate-proofing of existing development pathways, to consider economic development objectives and resilience priorities in parallel. Achieving this will require political vision and a clear understanding of the relation between climate and development, as well as an adapted institutional set-up, financing arrangements, and progress monitoring and evaluation. The report also discusses two priorities for climate-resilient development: disaster risk management and the involvement of the private sector.
The report builds on a growing volume of country experiences on building climate resilience into national development planning. Two country case studies, Ethiopia and Colombia, are discussed in detail.
Linking renewable energy to rural development
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 7 Janvier 2013
- 9789264180420
In many OECD countries, governments have invested large amounts of public money to support renewable energy (RE) development and are requiring significant quantities of it to be sold by energy providers. But what are the economic impacts of these policies on the rural regions where deployment takes place? How can RE bring the greatest benefit to host regions? These are some of the questions explored by this study. Drawing on case studies in 16 regions within 10 countries, the research finds that while RE indeed represents an opportunity for stimulating economic growth in rural communities, its development benefits are not automatic. Realising them requires a complex and flexible policy framework and a long-term strategy, as well as a realistic appreciation of the potential gains from RE deployment. Making a positive connection between RE development and local economic growth will require more coherent strategies, the right set of local conditions, and a place-based approach to deployment.
Environmental impacts of international shipping
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 7 Novembre 2011
- 9789264096820
While efficient ports are vital to the economic development of their surrounding areas, the related ship traffic, the handling of the goods in the ports and the hinterland distribution can cause a number of negative environmental impacts.
This book examines the environmental impacts of international maritime transport, and looks more in detail at the impacts stemming from near-port shipping activities, the handling of the goods in the ports and from the distribution of the goods to the surrounding regions. It focuses on five ports: Los Angeles and Long Beach, California, the United States; Rotterdam, the Netherlands; Port MetroVancouver, Canada; and Busan, Korea.
The book provides examples of the environmental problems related to port activities (such as air pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases, water pollution, noise, spread of invasive species, etc.) and highlights a number of different policy instruments that can be used to limit the negative impacts. It is a valuable resource for policy makers and researchers alike.
Further reading Globalisation, Transport and the Environment (2010)
Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Slovenie 2012
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 22 Mars 2013
- 9789264169272
Ce premier examen des performances environnementales de la Slovénie évalue les progrès réalisés dans le domaine du développement durable, l'amélioration de la gestion des ressources naturelles, l'intégration des politiques environnementales et économiques et le renforcement de la coopération internationale. Il couvre des sujets tels que la croissance verte, la gestion environnementale, le changement climatique, la pollution atmosphérique et la gestion des déchets.
Making water reform happen in Mexico
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- Gouvernance
- 22 Mars 2013
- 9789264187672
The report provides evidence-based assessment and policy recommendations in support of Mexico's water reform.
It analyses implementation bottlenecks and identifies good practices in four key areas considered as essential drivers for change in the water sector of Mexico: multi-level and river basin governance; economic efficiency and financial sustainability; and regulatory functions for water supply and sanitation.
This report is the result of a one-year policy dialogue between the OECD and Mexico, after the adoption of the 2030 Water Agenda as a strategic and long-term vision for Mexico's water sector.
Estonia 2013 ; energy policies beyond IEA countries
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 30 Novembre 2013
- 9789264190795
This review of Estonia's energy policies analyses the energy policy challenges and opportunities facing Estonia, and provides critiques and recommendations for future policy improvements. It finds that Estonia is actively seeking to reduce the intensity of its energy system. Many of these efforts are focused on oil shale, which the country has been using for almost a century and which meets 70% of its energy demand. While it provides a large degree of energy security, oil shale is highly carbon-intensive.The government is seeking to lessen the negative environmental impact by phasing out old power plants and developing new technologies to reduce significantly CO2 emissions.The efforts on oil shale complement Estonia's solid track record of modernising its overall energy system. Since restoring its independence in 1991, Estonia has fully liberalised its electricity and gas markets and attained most national energy policy targets and commitments for 2020. It has also started preparing its energy strategy to 2030, with an outlook to 2050. Estonia is also promoting energy market integration with neighbouring EU member states.
Energy policies of IEA countries : Sweden 2013 review
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 2 Août 2013
- 9789264190733
Sweden has made progress in recent years towards a more secure, sustainable energy future. The Scandinavian nation already has an almost carbon-free electricity supply and has phased out oil use in residential and power sectors. It is increasingly integrated within the Nordic and Baltic electricity markets, and its joint renewable electricity certificate market with Norway offers a unique model for other countries.
Now Sweden must take concrete steps to realise its vision of a fossil-fuel-independent vehicle fleet by 2030 and no net greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050. Although Sweden has decided to allow the replacement of its existing nuclear reactors, further emission reductions will come at a higher cost and require technology change. This means Sweden will need to carefully evaluate the most cost-effective pathways for its transition to a low-carbon economy.
Sweden has a high energy-intensity level, which requires greater energy efficiency in industry, buildings, heat and transport. A decarbonisation vision should be mapped out for each industry sector. Starting with transport, Sweden must specify how it will wean its vehicle fleet from fossil fuels by 2030.
Sweden's industry lead in smart grids is an asset. Sweden should scale up investment in clean energy technologies.
Taxing energy use ; a graphical analysis
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 25 Juillet 2014
- 9789264181250
The taxation of different sources and uses of energy (particularly those that give rise to emissions of greenhouse gases) will play a key role in governments' efforts to mitigate the scale of global warming and climate change. At present, effective tax rates vary widely across different sources and uses of energy within countries, as well as across countries. This publication provides the first systematic statistics of such effective tax rates - on a comparable basis - for each OECD country, together with 'maps' that illustrate graphically the wide variations in tax rates per unit of energy or per tonne of CO2 emissions. These statistics and maps should be an invaluable tool for policymakers, analysts and researchers considering both domestic fiscal reform in response to climate change and other environmental challenges (e.g.
To achieve emissions reductions targets most cost-effectively) and wider international responses.
Addressing Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 18 Avril 2013
- 9789264192652
Base erosion constitutes a serious risk to tax revenues, tax sovereignty and tax fairness for many countries. While there are many ways in which domestic tax bases can be eroded, a significant source of base erosion is profit shifting. This report presents the studies and data available regarding the existence and magnitude of base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), and contains an overview of global developments that have an impact on corporate tax matters and identifies the key principles that underlie the taxation of cross-border activities, as well as the BEPS opportunities these principles may create. The report concludes that current rules provide opportunities to associate more profits with legal constructs and intangible rights and obligations, and to legally shift risk intra-group, with the result of reducing the share of profits associated with substantive operations. The report recommends the development of an action plan to address BEPS issues in a comprehensive manner.