"Physiologie du Goût" est un ouvrage écrit par Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, un avocat et gastronome français du XIXe siècle. Publié pour la première fois en 1825, ce livre est une exploration savoureuse de la gastronomie, de la cuisine et des plaisirs de la table. Brillat-Savarin y examine les différentes sensations liées au goût, à l'odorat et à la digestion, tout en partageant ses réflexions sur la cuisine, la diététique, et la manière de bien manger. L'ouvrage est également parsemé d'anecdotes culinaires, d'histoires amusantes et de conseils pratiques pour apprécier pleinement les plaisirs de la nourriture. "Physiologie du Goût" est salué pour son style enjoué et accessible, ainsi que pour sa capacité à capturer l'essence de la culture gastronomique française. Il est considéré comme un classique de la littérature culinaire et reste une référence incontournable pour les amateurs de cuisine et de bonne chère.
The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin must rank as one of the most influential and consequential books ever published, initiating scientific, social and religious ferment ever since its first publication in 1859. Its full title is The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, in some editions prefaced by the word On.
Darwin describes the book as simply an abstract of his ideas, which are more fully fleshed out and supported with detailed examples in his other, more scholarly works (for example, he wrote several long treatises entirely about barnacles). The Origin of Species itself was intended to reach a wider audience and is written in such a way that any reasonably educated and thoughtful reader can follow Darwin's argument that species of animals and plants are not independent creations, fixed for all time, but mutable. Species have been shaped in response to the effects of natural selection, which Darwin compares to the directed or manual selection by human breeders of domesticated animals.
The Origin of Species was eagerly taken up by the reading public, and rapidly went through several editions. This Standard Ebooks edition is based on the sixth edition published by John Murray in 1872, generally considered to be the definitive edition with many amendments and updates by Darwin himself.
The Origin of Species has never been out of print and continues to be an extremely popular work. Later scientific discoveries such as the breakthrough of DNA sequencing have refined our concept of some of Darwin's ideas and given us a better understanding of issues he found puzzling, but the basic thrust of his theory remains unchallenged. -
The naturalist on the river Amazons : a 1863 book by the british naturalist Henry Walter Bates about his expedition to the Amazon basin
Henry Walter Bates, Charles Darwin
- Culturea
- 14 Mars 2022
- 9782382741276
The Naturalist on the River Amazons, subtitled A Record of the Adventures, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator, during Eleven Years of Travel, is an 1863 book by the British naturalist Henry Walter Bates about his expedition to the Amazon basin. Bates and his friend Alfred Russel Wallace set out to obtain new species and new evidence for evolution by natural selection, as well as exotic specimens to sell. He explored thousands of miles of the Amazon and its tributaries, and collected over 14,000 species, of which 8,000 were new to science. His observations of the coloration of butterflies led him to discover Batesian mimicry.
The book contains an evenly distributed mixture of natural history, travel, and observation of human societies, including the towns with their Catholic processions. Only the most remarkable discoveries of animals and plants are described, and theories such as evolution and mimicry are barely mentioned. Bates remarks that finding a new species is only the start; he also describes animal behaviour, sometimes in detail, as for the army ants. He constantly relates the wildlife to the people, explaining how the people hunt, what they eat and what they use as medicines. The book is illustrated with drawings by leading artists including E. W. Robinson, Josiah Wood Whymper, Joseph Wolf and Johann Baptist Zwecker.
On Bates's return to England, he was encouraged by Charles Darwin to write up his eleven-year stay in the Amazon as a book. The result was widely admired, not least by Darwin; other reviewers sometimes disagreed with the book's support for evolution, but generally enjoyed his account of the journey, scenery, people, and natural history. The book has been reprinted many times, mostly in Bates's own effective abridgement for the second edition, which omitted the more technical descriptions.
The best book of Natural History Travels ever published in England - Charles Darwin -
Delle Funzioni Riproduttive Negli Animali L Uomo E Le Scimie
De Filippi Filippo
- Culturea
- 2 Août 2023
- 9791041842513
Filippo De Filippi (1814-1867), originario di Pavia, fu uno dei più celebri e importanti zoologi del XIX secolo in Italia. Fu anche medico, esploratore, docente universitario e, nondimeno, uno dei più ferventi sostenitori del darwinismo nel nostro paese, diffondendo il pensiero del padre dell'evoluzionismo alla pari dei suoi primi traduttori, Giovanni Canestrini, Francesco Bassani e Michele Lessona.
Come zoologo ebbe una lunga e variegata carriera che lo portò a occuparsi di pesci, insetti, rettili e molluschi; si occupò anche di embriologia, anatomia comparata, sistematica, geologia; celebre fu il suo saggio Delle funzioni riproduttive degli animali, pubblicato nel 1850. Ma non fu solo un grande studioso, fu anche un coraggioso esploratore. Nel 1862 fu a capo di una spedizione scientifica e diplomatica nel regno di Persia, da cui derivarono alcuni articoli e un saggio sulla natura di quelle terre. Nel 1866, dopo essere stato eletto senatore del Regno d'Italia, De Filippi partecipò a una spedizione scientifica sulla nave Magenta. Era una spedizione estremamente importante a livello politico, dato che per la prima volta una nave militare italiana era destinata a compiere la circumnavigazione del globo. Lo scopo principale della missione, guidata dal capitano Vittorio Arminjon, era di stringere un accordo commerciale con Giappone e Cina per liberalizzare l'allevamento dei bachi da seta. Partita da Rio de Janeiro, la spedizione toccò Montevideo, Giacarta, Singapore, Saigon, Yokohama, Shanghai e Pechino, fino ad arrivare a Hong Kong. Qui purtroppo De Filippi contrasse una grave malattia al fegato che lo uccise il 9 febbraio del 1867, a soli 52 anni. -
"Pour nous rendre aux sollicitations d' un très grand nombre d' auditeurs qui nous font l'honneur de suivre nos cours d' arboriculture fruitière avec tant d'assiduité nous pensons , leur être agréable en publiant d'abord un résumé de tout ce qui a trait au Poirier. Ce petit traité, écrit sans aucune prétention, contient un très grand nombre de notions; mais notre but est surtout de nous faire lire utilement et comprendre par des personnes qui n'ont pas encore étudié l arboriculture fruitière. Nous osons espérer aussi que tous les amateurs et jardiniers de profession y trouveront des renseignements précis et des explication s pratiques, résultats de l'expérience. C 'est, par ailleurs, la synthèse du cours que nous faisons au jardin du Luxembourg."