Tourisme & Voyages
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 24 Novembre 2009
- 9789264050914
This publication presents the results of the first OECD investment policy review of Vietnam. It finds that the progress Vietnam has achieved in less than two decades in putting into place a legal framework and implementing policies that mobilise private investment, including international direct investment, to support economic growth and the prosperity of Vietnam's citizens has been remarkable. Starting from a situation in which the economy was essentially closed to private and international investment, Vietnam is now considered to be one of the very attractive economies in the world for investment.
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 8 Juillet 2008
- 9789264043978
This 2008 edition of OECD's periodic survey of Luxembourg's economy focuses on key challenges being faced including whether the financial sector can continue being the main growth engine, adapting fiscal policies to slower tax revenues, enhancing efficiency in health care, and increasing student abilities by giving schools more autonomy.
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 4 Février 2011
- 9789264053748
In July 2008, Peru became the 41st country to adhere to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. This review, undertaken as a part of Peru's adherence process, show the country's achievements in establishing an open and transparent regime with a limited number of restrictions, enabling Peru to rank among the most open economies. Recent government initiatives seek to further reduce administrative barriers to investment, streamline and simplify investment incentives, and promote responsible business conduct practices.
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 22 Octobre 2008
- 9789264049260
Although Poland has managed to maintain high growth levels since the mid-1990s, with the second-best performance in the OECD in 2006-07, territorial disparities are persistent and rising, especially between large urban areas and rural ones. Like many OECD countries, Poland must seek to achieve an appropriate balance between support for poles of growth and the development of lagging regions, particularly its eastern peripheral regions, which are among the poorest in the European Union. This report explores the various challenges and opportunities for Polish regional development policy, and provides recommendations to best design and implement the policy mix, looking in particular at governance challenges.
Au secours, je n'aime plus mon job ! - comment etre heureux au travail ?
- Organisation
- 17 Mars 2005
- 9782708133242
notre époque est dominée par le mythe de la transparence : de la sociologie aux neurosciences en passant par l'économie, tout concourt à réduire nos comportements à des explications rationnelles.
pourtant, à trop vouloir rationaliser, ne perdons-nous pas de vue l'humain ? au-delà des schémas de la raison, demeure pour nous une question essentielle " comment vivre ? ", ainsi que la nécessité d'y répondre. c'est justement l'objet de la psychanalyse : en renonçant à la rationalité, freud a relevé le pari de nous aider à mieux vivre. loin d'être invalidées, ses intuitions sur l'inconscient sont aujourd'hui en passe d'être confirmées par les découvertes de la neurobiologie.
c'est pourquoi nous ne pouvons pas ignorer freud. par son approche transversale, parfois iconoclaste, ce livre s'applique à nous montrer comment les concepts de la psychanalyse gardent toute leur actualité. a travers cette introduction philosophique, jonathan lear nous ramène à l'essentiel de nos préoccupations sur le bonheur, la liberté et les valeurs.
OECD rural policy reviews ; Italy
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 18 Juin 2009
- 9789264056220
OECD's comprehensive review of rural policy in Italy. On average, rural regions in Italy have some of the highest GDP per capita among the OECD countries, yet unexploited potential remains. This analysis of rural Italy reveals heterogeneous economic conditions, an increasing elderly population and a diminished focus on environmental concerns. This suggests the need for a broader rural policy approach that reflects the changing demands upon rural resources and that considers other aspects of rurality including health, education and quality of life.
OECD reviews of risk management policies ; Japan ; large-scale floods and earthquakes
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- Gouvernance
- 5 Mars 2009
- 9789264056398
Damages to economic assets resulting from natural disasters have soared in the past fifteen years, and climate change models forecast intensified exposure to extreme weather in many OECD countries. This OECD review of risk management policies focuses on Japan, because the geography, topography and climate of its national territory subject it to serious natural hazards, especially seismic activity and typhoons. The report looks at Japan's policies in the areas of monitoring, preparing for and responding to floods and earthquakes, seeking out and identifying good practices and areas where improvements could be made. The case studies consider several issues of particular interest to policy makers, such as how to take climate change into account for long term policy planning related to large scale floods, and Japan's unique earthquake insurance scheme for damages whose probability and impact are hard to accurately assess.
Tables des matières:
Acronyms and Organisations Cited PART I. LARGE-SCALE FLOODS Executive Summary Chapter 1. Introduction: Flood Risks in Japan Chapter 2. Integrated Approach to Flood Risk Management Chapter 3. Risk Assessment and Communication Chapter 4. Flood Prevention and Damage Mitigation Chapter 5. Emergency Response Chapter 6. Recovery Annex I.1. Basin Territory River Administration in France Annex I.2. The United Kingdom Administration of Flood Risk Management Annex I.3. Flood Protection and Climate Change - the Bavarian Adaptation Strategy Annex I.4. The United Kingdom Use of Flood Risk Maps Annex I.5. International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine Annex I.6. The Dutch System for Emergency and Crisis Management Annex I.7. Administrative Organisation of Emergency Response in Sweden Annex I.8. Post-Disaster Experiences Collection and Communication in France Annex I.9. The Post-Disaster Recovery Stage: A Step towards Enforcement of Risk Culture Annex I.11. Self-Assessment Questionnaire Annex I.12. List of Institutions Interviewed Bibliography PART II. EARTHQUAKES Executive Summary Chapter 7. Introduction: Seismic Risks in Japan Chapter 8. The General Policy Framework Chapter 9. Risk Assessment and Communication Chapter 10. Disaster Prevention Chapter 11. Emergency Preparedness and Response Chapter 12. Post-Event Issues Annex II.1. Methodology Annex II.2. Self-Assessment Questionnaires Annex II.3. List of Institutions Interviewed Annex II.4. Members of the Steering Group Bibliography
OECD studies on tourism ; Italy ; review of issues and policies
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 30 Juin 2011
- 9789264114241
This report sets out the main analysis and recommendations of the tourism policy review of Italy. It assesses the current state of tourism performance in Italy, its framework conditions and business environment, the existing set of tourism policies and programmes, especially in the area of statistics, promotion and education and training. The report presents a series of policy recommendations intended to support policy and programme development in Italy in order to develop and strengthen further the tourism sector and to provide inspiration to policy makers in other countries faced with similar challenges. The report includes international learning models from the United Kingdom, Canada, Spain and Switzerland.
Choisir la robe du jour J n'est pas une mince affaire ! Réaliste, pratique et rassurant, ce guide constitue un outil efficace pour aider les futures mariées à trouver LA robe qui leur convient. Organisé par thèmes (formes, tissus, silhouettes, accessoires...), il délivre la marche à suivre en 10 leçons. Mariage futé, une collection complète de guides dédiés aux futurs mariés : Des trucs pour éviter les pièges. Des témoignages vivants. Des adresses inédites. Des pas-à-pas pour réaliser vous-mêmes des accessoires.
La communication interpersonnelle en 48 fiches : En 48 fiches
Gruere Jean-Pierre
- Organisation
- 1 Septembre 1983
- 9782708105645
Grâce aux exercices proposés, le lecteur aborde quelques
processus pouvant s'appliquer à la plupart des problèmes de
la vie professionnelle et de la vie privée.