45 produits trouvés
Minimum competence in scientific english
Sue Blattes, Véronique Jans, Jonathan Upjohn
- Edp Sciences
- Grenoble Sciences
- 14 Février 2013
- 9782759808083
Le livre est accompagné d'un site web en accès libre qui apporte des éléments dont on peut tirer parti comme appoint efficace au livre papier. MCSE et son environnement sont le résultat d'une méthode utilisée, expérimentée, améliorée depuis 30 ans, tout d'abord à l'Université de Grenoble, puis ensuite en interaction avec les Universités de Strasbourg, d'Orléans, de Nantes ... L'ouvrage est surtout construit pour des apprenants de langues latines. Le livre est autonome, comme l'ont démontré les quelques 200 000 utilisateurs de la méthode. Mais, il peut laisser les apprenants s'enferrer dans leur mauvaise pratique orale.
Le site web en accès libre a donc deux objectifs:
- compléter la démarche du livre par des aspects ludiques et interactifs, - permettre d'entendre mots et phrases prononcés par des anglais ou américains.
Nuclear reactor systems : a technical, historical and dynamic approach
Bertrand Barré, Pascal Anzieu, Richard Lenain, Jean-Baptiste Thomas
- Edp Sciences
- Genie Atomique
- 30 Novembre 2022
- 9782759830701
L'évolution des réacteurs nucléaires depuis 1942 (Expérience de fermi) peut être décrite de façon historique amenant avec le temps à un processus de sélection sévère des réacteurs dont ceux à eau légère occupant la majeure partie du biotope aujourd'hui. Actuellement, avec la demande mondiale en énergie toujours croissante et le besoin de réduction des gaz à effet de serre, le développement des réacteurs n'est pas prêt de s'arrêter. Son traités dans cet ouvrage : Réacteurs refroidis au gaz CO2, RBMK, réacteurs modérés nucléaires à eau lourde, propulsion nucléaire navale, réacteurs expérimentaux, Génération III avancée, réacteurs à haute température HTR, réacteurs à sels fondus MSR, Réacteurs LMFRs à neutrons rapides, réacteurs GFR, BWR: caractéristiques et tendances spécifiques, le rôle de LWR dans la transition de Gen III à Gen IV, fusion nucléaire, systèmes futuristes...
The evolution of nuclear reactors since the 1942 Fermi experiment can be described along the lines of natural history, with an initial flourish of uninhibited creativity followed by a severe selection process leading to a handful of surviving species, with light water reactors occupying most of the biotope today. In the actual context of a growing demand for energy for the developing world and of the need to reduce greenhouse gas emission, the nuclear reactor «species» is here to stay. This books presents: CO2 Gas-cooled Reactors, RBMK, HeavyWater Moderated Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Marine propulsion, Experimental reactors, Advanced Generation III LightWater Reactors, High Temperature Reactors HTRs, Molten Salt Reactors MSRs, Liquid Metal-cooled Fast Neutron Reactors LMFRs, Gas-cooled Fast Reactors GFRs, BWR: specific features and trends, The role of LWR in the transition from Gen III to Gen IV, Nuclear Fusion, Futuristic systems... -
Introduction to lattice geometry through group action
Louis Michel, Boris Zhilinskii
- Edp Sciences
- Savoirs Actuels
- 4 Décembre 2015
- 9782759817382
The specificity of this book is an intensive use of group action ideas and terminology when discussing physical and mathematical models of lattices. Another important aspect is the discussion and comparison of various approaches to the characterization of lattices.
Along with symmetry and topology ideas, the combinatorial description based on Voronoi and Delone cells is discussed along with classical characterization of lattices via quadratic forms. Point symmetry classification and Bravais classes of lattices are introduced using two-dimensional and three-dimensional lattices as examples.
Stratification of the ambient space and construction of the orbifolds for the symmetry group action is illustrated again on many examples of two- and three-dimensional lattice.
Applied multivariate statistical analysis and related topics with R
Lang Wu, Jin Qiu
- Edp Sciences
- Current Natural Sciences
- 19 Mars 2021
- 9782759826018
Stars and stellar evolution
Klaas De Boer, Wilhelm Seggewiss
- Edp Sciences
- References Astronomiques
- 12 Février 2009
- 9782759803569
The diverse forms that stars assume in the course of their lives can all be derives from the initial conditions : the mass and the original chemical composition.
In this textbook the basic concepts of stellar structure and the main roads of stellar evolution are described. first, the observable parameters are presented, which are based on the radiation emerging from a stellar atmosphere. then the bascphysics is described, such as the physics of gases, radiation transport, and nuclear processes, followed by essential aspects of modelling the structure of stars.
After a chapter on star formation, the various steps in the evolution of stars are presented. this leads us to brown dwarfs, to the way of star changes into the red-giant state and numerous other stages of evolution and ultimately to the stellar ashes such as white dwarfs, supernovae and neutron stars. stellar winds, stellar rotation and convection all influence the way a star evolves. the evolution of binary stars is included by using several canonical examples in which interactive processes lead to x-ray binaries and supernovae of type la.
Finally, the consequence of the study of stellar evolution are tied to observed mass ans luminosity functions and to the overall evolution of matter in the universe.
What is space-time made of ? a nice addition to looking at the dynamics of general relativity through the window of elasticity
David Izabel
- Edp Sciences
- 20 Mai 2021
- 9782759825738
In the first part of this book, the author synthesizes the main results and formulas of physics-Albert Einstein's, with general relativity, gravitational waves involving elastic deformable space-time, quantum field theory, Heisenberg's principle, and Casimir's force implying that a vacuum is not nothingness. In the second part, based on these scientific facts, the author re-studies the fundamental equation of general relativity in a weak gravitational field by unifying it with the theory of elasticity. He considers the Ligo and Virgo interferometers as strain gauges. It follows from this approach that the gravitational constant G, Einstein's constant K, can be expressed as a function of the physical, mechanical and elastic characteristics of space-time. He overlaps these results and in particular Young's modulus of space-time, with publications obtained by renowned scientists. By imposing to satisfy the set of universal constants G, c, K, h and by taking into account the vacuum data, he proposes a new quantum expression of G which is still compatible with existing serious publications. It appears that time becomes the lapse of time necessary to transmit information from one elastic sheet of space to another. Time also becomes elastic. Thus, space becomes an elastic material, with a particle size of the order of the Planck scale, a new deformable ether, therefore different from the non-existent luminiferous ether. Finally, in the third part, in appendices, the author demonstrates the fundamentals of general relativity, cosmology and the theory of elasticity.
Progress in propulsion physics Tome 1
L. Deluca, C. Bonnal, O. Haldn, S. Frolov
- Edp Sciences
- 9 Juillet 2009
- 9782759804115
The volume contains 44 selected, revised and thoroughly edited papers addressing various issues of propulsion physics written by world-known experts. The papers include critical analyses of previous studies and controversial aspects of novel propulsion concepts, new theoretical and experimental results and findings as well as numerous references to archival publications worldwide.
Atom movements ; diffusion and mass transport in solids
Jean Philibert
- Edp Sciences
- 1 Janvier 1991
- 9782868831613
The present book is the result of diverse courses on diffusion. It is intended to give as complete an overview as possible of diffusion in solid media, while relating the process of diffusion to both its physical basis and its applications. Several real situations are covered in this account, from self-diffusion of radiotracers to the more complex cases of mass flow under chemical or thermal gradients or under electric fields, or diffusion in structures of lower dimensionality (surfaces and interfaces). In all these analyses, no category of materials was favored; metals, ionic crystals, oxydes, and semiconductors all had their turn. Only polymers were not specifically touched. One chapter is specifically devoted to techniques for studying diffusion, including methods of numerical simulation, and the long last chapter gives a number of metallurgical phenomena in which diffusion plays a fundamental role.
Grand format 55.20 €Indisponible
Space technologies and climate change ; implications for water management, marine resources and maritime transport
- Edp Sciences
- 9 Juillet 2009
- 9782759803989
Speaking skills in scientific english livre + 2 cassettes
- Edp Sciences
- 1 Janvier 1997
- 9782868834577
Grand format 39.00 €Indisponible
Radionuclides in the ocean ; input and inventories
- Edp Sciences
- 1 Janvier 1996
- 9782868832856
IPSN compiles and reviews the available information on artificial radioactivity in seas and oceans. The data collected in this book give an assessment of radionuclide distributions which will be useful to address scientific and wider public concerns about radionuclides found in the aquatic environment. Pierre Guéguéniat, Director of the IPSN Marine Radioecology Laboratory, at Octeville near Chercbourg, is a specialist in radio-chemistry and ardionuclide maigration in the marine environment. He has developed in Europe the use of artificial radionuclides as tracers to improve our knowledge of currents in the Channel and the North Sea. Pierre Germain, deputy Director, is known for his studies on radionuclide accumulation by animal and algae species, from the whole body to the cell. Henri Métivier, Director of Research, member of the International Committee for Radiological Protection, has long experience of Human contamination by radionuclides.
Thermodynamics and phase tranformations ; the selected works of Mats Hillert
John Agren, Yves Bréchet, Christopher Hutchinson, Gary Purdy, Jean Philibert
- Edp Sciences
- Materiaux ; Metallurgie
- 14 Septembre 2006
- 9782868838896
For more than a half-century, Mats Hillert has contributed greatly to the Science of Materials.
He is widely known and respected as an innovator and an educator, a scientist with an enormous breadth of interest and depth of insight. The difficult choice of twenty-four papers from a publication list of more than three hundred was carried out in consultation with him. He also suggested or approved names of those scientists who would be invited to write brief introductions to each of the papers. A brief reading of the topics of the selected papers and their introductions reveals something of their range and depth.
Several early selections - including internal reports of the Swedish Institute for Metal Research, published here in their original shape - contained seminal material that established Mats as a leading figure in the study of phase transformations in solids. Others established his presence in the areas of solidification and computational thermodynamics. This volume represents a judicious sampling only of Mats Hillert's extensive body of work ; it is necessarily incomplete, but it is hoped and expected that it will prove useful to students of Materials Science and Engineering at ail levels, and that it will inspire the further study and appreciation of his many contributions.
John Aqren is professor in Physical Metallurgy at KTH in Sweden and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy for Engineering Sciences. His research interests are in thermodynamics, kinetics of phase transformations and microstructural evolution in steels and other alloys.
Radiation chemistry
Jacqueline Belloni, Thierry Douki, Mehran Mostafavi
- Edp Sciences
- 29 Mai 2008
- 9782759800247
This book gives a progress report on the many and original contributions of radiation chemistry to the fundamental knowledge of the vast domain of chemical reactions and its applications. Radiation chemistry techniques indeed make it possible to elucidate detailed physicochemical mechanisms in inorganic and organic chemistry (including in space) and in biochemistry. Moreover, this comprehension is applied in materials science to precisely control syntheses by radiation, such as radiopolymerisation, radiografting, specific treatment of surfaces (textiles, paintings, inks, etc.), synthesis of complex nanomaterials, degradation of environmental pollutants and radioresistance of materials for nuclear reactors.
In life sciences, the study of the effects of radiation on biomacromolecules (DNA, proteins, lipids) not only permits the comprehension of normal or pathological biological mechanisms, but also the improvement of our health. In particular, many advances in cancer radiotherapy, in the radioprotection of nuclear workers and the general population, as well as in the treatment of diseases and the radiosterilization of drugs, could be obtained thanks to this research.
Abundantly illustrated and written in English by top international specialists who have taken care to render the subjects accessible, this work will greatly interest those curious about a scientific field that is new to them and students attracted by the original and multidisciplinary aspects of the field. At a time when radiation chemistry research is experiencing spectacular development in numerous countries, this book will attract many newcomers to the field.
The planetory ocean
Michèle Fieux
- Edp Sciences
- Current Natural Sciences
- 30 Octobre 2017
- 9782759820702
The description of ocean water masses is based on the study of their temperature, salinity, and density, virtual genetic imprints which provide identity and movement to water masses. Ocean characteristics and processes involved in exchanges with the atmosphere together with simple dynamic balances give an understanding of a large part of the vast oceanic system. This book is enhanced with numerous colored illustrations. It is a reference on regional oceanography updated with extensive results from the last twenty years. The presentation underscores the speci city of each ocean basin using a precise and global approach.
Beginning with a brief historical context, it explains the interactions and the role of each ocean basin in the functioning of the planetary ocean. How do we recognize Antarctic Bottom Water in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? What is the densest water mass? The warmest? Why doesn't dense water form in the largest ocean basin? What becomes of water that sinks in the Labrador Sea? Why does the ocean play such an important role in climate variations? ... Answers can be found in this book.
Successfully starting in astronomical spectroscopy ; a practical guide
Francois Cochard
- Edp Sciences
- Profil
- 17 Mars 2018
- 9782759820269
You have decided to jump into astronomical spectroscopy, or you are thinking about it. If you wish to understand how to start, to go deeper, or simply increase your knowledge and improve your results, then this book is made for you!
Amateur interest in Astronomical spectroscopy is on the rise. More and more amateur astronomers are diving into the adventure. Getting a star spectrum, today is easily feasible, with modest equipment - if you have a method, and go step by step. This book is a guide; it is very practical. It addresses all the issues required to quickly assist you in obtaining quality spectra with a slit spectroscope. We talk about astrophysics and optics, but it is not an astrophysical or optical course. No prerequisite is needed.
A big part of the book is dedicated to the setup of your equipment and to obtaining spectra in the field. This is often where beginners face problems: one needs to make several devices (telescope, spectroscope, camera...) work together. Little by little, you'll learn how to get your first spectra, to perform data reduction, and to look at your spectra with more and more expectations - up to the moment when you realize that you're doing real science.
« The book you are about to read is remarkable in the sense that it makes the foundations of astronomical spectroscopy accessible to all and provides practical advice for its application. It will without doubt give you the desire to embark on this great adventure, and provides you the means to achieve it. » extract from the preface written by Claude Catala, President of the Observatoire de Paris
Data approximation : mathematical modelling and numerical simulations
Christian Gout, Zoé Lambert, Dominique Apprato
- Edp Sciences
- 6 Août 2019
- 9782759823673
This book is devoted to the modelling of data approximation and some of its numerical simulations and applications to different fields. The modelling is presented, along with theoretical results (existence and uniqueness, convergence), discretization (using the finite element method) and many applications like surface approximation from rapidly data, from surface patches, from bathymetric data and so on. This book is meant to master's students and to researchers in mathematics, geophysicians, geologists, oceanographs involved in data approximation.
Sustainable materials science - environmental metallurgy Tome 1 ; origins, basics, resource and energy needs
Jean-pierre Birat
- Edp Sciences
- Science Des Materiaux
- 10 Mars 2020
- 9782759821983
Materials are at the core of our societies and of our economies. They are part of pressing environmental challenges but they also provide powerful answers. It is therefore no longer possible to think of materials from the restricted standpoint of Materials and Engineering Sciences and this book proposes a more holistic vision of their connection with the Environment and with Society.
The book is meant for students, researchers, engineers, and concerned citizens interested in how materials, nature and people interact: at the level of raw materials and energy resources, of innovation and emergence of new materials functions, of historical continuity with materials of the past, and of emissions to air, water and soil and thus in connection also with health and toxicology issues, climate change and collapse of biodiversity. The book examines how materials relate to society with complex metrics, but also, more deeply, how they generate eco-social services, and, finally, have agency along with the people who use them and invent them (Actor Network Theory).
This book is unique in its approach across so many fields. There are many excellent treatises on materials science and more on industrial ecology. However, the connection with the social dimension of sustainability is still rarely discussed and the pluridisciplinary cocktail of approaches used here is truly new.
The amazing history of element names
Pierre Avenas, Minh-thu Dinh-audouin
- Edp Sciences
- 8 Décembre 2020
- 9782759824649
What is the connection between planet Mars and Iron Man, nickel and the Seven Dwarves, or DNA, walnuts and Jupiter, fuchsine, the fox and Zorro, or even ammoniac and the god Amun?
This book tells the stories behind the naming of the elements, whether they are chemical elements of the Periodic Table, first published by Mendeleev in 1869, or organic elements which are components of DNA and RNA, as well as proteins, themselves elements of living kingdom, plants and animals. The book goes further, into materials and products which became essential elements of modern life.
Readers will learn that the names often refer to (or reveal) dreams and aspirations of men and women of their time. This truly amazing history of the names guides us through an incredible set of worlds: nature, astronomy, history, literature, journeys, and even takes in contributions from legends and mythology.
Big earth data in support of the sustainable development goals (2019)
Huadong Guo
- Edp Sciences
- 10 Février 2021
- 9782759824410
Big Earth Data in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals 2019 presents 27 case studies of «Big Earth Data Science Engineering Program» (CASEarth) on the development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators and sustainability assessments in six SDGs, including: SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life below Water), and SDG 15 (Life on Land). These cases provide in-depth, systematic research and evaluation results on the selected SDGs and indicators by means of data, method models, and decision support at global, regional, national and local scales. The 27 case studies covered 20 indicators, with focus varying from constructing databases, building index systems, and evaluating indicator progress. Each case study first clearly lists the corresponding SDG targets and indicators it addresses, and then proceeds with the research methods, data, analysis results, and prospects for future research. It can be seen that Big Earth Data as a new scientific methodology has started demonstrating its great value and potential for applications in monitoring and evaluating SDGs for China and developing countries around the world. The report concludes with a summary of the major progress in Big Earth Data for SDGs and future research priorities.
CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe oxides chemical system ; description and applications
François Sorrentino, Denis Damidot, Charles Fentiman
- Edp Sciences
- Science Des Materiaux
- 9 Février 2021
- 9782759824809
This book describes and comments on the results of research devoted to the studies of phase assemblages in the CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe oxides chemical system, their stability and their evolution in our environment (temperature, pressure). Its aim is to be a research support, not only for researchers and development engineers but also more generally for others interested in materials sciences.
The book is divided in two parts; the first devoted to a description of 'the system' using phase diagrams. The second explores the properties and uses of some of the minerals that are in widespread industrial and commercial use.
Much of the work presented in this book is fully original and corresponds to the research undertaken by François Sorrentino from his time at the chemistry department of the University of Aberdeen during the early 1970's, to recent years when he has resumed his interest in mineral research, particularly related to the synthesis of calcium silicates and calcium aluminates, and their industrial manufacture.
Engineering economy in upstream oil & gas field development
Menglan Duan, Mac darlington uche Onuoha
- Edp Sciences
- Current Natural Sciences
- 10 Février 2021
- 9782759824885
The business of upstream oil and gas industry is a complex process that involves multidisciplinary participation. Producing crude oil and natural gas from the subsurface reservoir rocks to the point of the selling terminal requires stage by stage processes that costs several hundreds of millions of dollars to the operating companies. Because of the capital intensive nature of upstream investments, every required process is challenged of its economic impact or benefits it will have on the project's net present value (NPV). The techniques applied in determining the economics of these processes and their selection criteria are addressed in the book.
This book guides the reader through these strategic processes, and presents the participants involved in the business of upstream oil and gas prospecting and the conditions that dictate the field development and investment decisions by investors. It also reveals the shared interests and relationships that exist between international oil companies (IOCs) and national oil companies (NOCs) in the exploration and exploitation of their hydrocarbon resources and reserves. This text will serve the purpose of teaching and learning to those in the energy and financial sectors, as the methods, tools, and techniques discussed throughout the chapters will equip students, tutors, experts, and professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge of Exploration and Production (E&P) projects and energy financing and investment. The principles of project management as it applies in upstream oil/gas projects are discussed as well. And the criteria for project ranking, selection, and budgeting which are sine qua non to project financing and execution are well documented in this book.
Chinese plants names index 2000-2009
Cheng Du, Jin-Shuang Ma
- Edp Sciences
- Current Natural Sciences
- 10 Février 2021
- 9782759824922
The first two volumes of the Chinese Plant Names Index (CPNI) cover the years 2000 through 2009, with entries 1 through 5,516, and 2010 through 2017, with entries 5,517 through 10,795. A unique entry is generated for the specific name of each taxon in a specific publication. Taxonomic treatments cover all novelties at the rank of family, genus, species, subspecies, variety, form and named hybrid taxa, new name changes (new combinations and new names), new records, new synonyms and new typifications for vascular plants reported or recorded from China. Detailed information on the place of publication, including author, publication name, year of publication, volume, issue, and page number, are given in detail. Type specimens and collections information for the taxa and their distribution in China, as well as worldwide, are also provided. The bibliographies were compiled from 182 journals and 138 monographs or books published worldwide. In addition, more than 400 herbaria preserve type specimens of Chinese plants are also listed as an appendix.
This book can be used as a basic material for Chinese vascular plant taxonomy, and as a reference for researchers in biodiversity research, environmental protection, forestry and medicinal botany.