There has never been a writer like James Ellroy.' Telegraph Los Angeles, December 6, 1941. Last hopes for peace are shattered when Japanese squadrons bomb Pearl Harbor. War fever and race hate grip the city and the internment of Japanese-Americans begins.
Following the hellish murder of a Japanese family, three men and one woman are summoned. William H. Parker is a captain on the Los Angeles Police. He's superbly gifted, corrosively ambitious and consumed by dubious ideology. He is bitterly at odds with Sergeant Dudley Smith - Irish emigre, ex-IRA killer and fledgling war profiteer. Kay Lake is a 21-year-old dilettante looking for adventure. Hideo Ashida is a brilliant police chemist and the only Japanese on the payroll.
Four driven souls - rivals, lovers, history's pawns - thrown into an investigation which will not only rip them apart but take America to the edge of the abyss at a crucial moment in its history.
Daddy Love's latest victim Robbie begins to realize that the longer he is locked in the shackles of this demon, the greater chance he'll end up like Daddy Love's other 'sons' who were never heard from again ... and soon he will see just what lengths he must go to in order to have any chance at survival.
When George's parents are away for the day, he's tempted to do something about his tyrannical grandmother. "Something" means going round the house collecting all kinds of horrible ingredients that will make up a magic potion to make her disappear. But instead of disappearing, she gets bigger.
Representing the letter «J» in a series of twenty-six collectible editions, this semi-autobiographical classic by the Irish novelist and poet describes a young student's quest to find truth in religion, philosophy, culture, art, his family and himself.
James Ellroy is acknowledged as one of America's greatest writers. As well as his novels, he is a regular contributor to "GQ" magazine in the States. This collection contains sixteen of these pieces, both autobiographical and crime reportage as well as a novella: "Hollywood Fuck Pad."
A novel of war, of starvation and survival, of internment camps and death marches, which blends honesty with a vision of a world thrown utterly out of joint. It is rooted in the author's own experience of war in our time. The novel won "The Guardian" Fiction Prize.
Naomi Klein, author of the #1 international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo, returns with This Changes Everything, a must-read on how the climate crisis needs to spur transformational political change We seem to have given up on any serious effort to prevent catastrophic climate change. Despite mounting scientific evidence, denialism is surging in many wealthy countries, and extreme fossil-fuel extraction gathers pace. Exposing the work of ideologues on the right who know the challenge this poses to the free market all too well, Naomi Klein also challenges the failing strategies of environmental groups. This Changes Everything argues that the deep changes required should not be viewed as punishments to fear, but as a kind of gift. It's time to stop running from the full implications of the crisis and begin to embrace them.
Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist and author of the international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo. She is a member of the board of directors for, a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis, a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute, and a former Miliband Fellow at the LSE. She holds an honorary Doctor of Civil Laws from the University of King's College, Nova Scotia.
It's 1968. Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King are dead. The Mob, Howard Hughes and J Edgar Hoover are in a struggle for America's soul, drawing into their murderous conspiracies the dammed and the soon-to-be damned. Wayne Tedrow Jr: parricide, assassin, dope cooker, mouthpiece for all sides, loyal to none.
A man. A woman. The heat of an Iowa summer. And the brief encounter whose passion will last a lifetime.
Ethan and his five co-workers are marooned in JPod, a no-escape architectural limbo on the fringes of a massive game-design company. There, they wage battle against the demands of boneheaded marketing staff. Meanwhile, Ethan's life is being invaded by marijuana grow-ops, people-smuggling, ballroom dancing, global piracy and the rise of China.
Genève, 1904. Les jeunes mariés Katherine Dexter et Stanley McCormick posent pour la photo sur la pelouse de Prangins, le château de Katherine. A 29 ans, délicieuse innocente, elle est la première femme docteur ès sciences du M.I.T., et l'une des dirigeantes du mouvement féministe. Lui est le plus jeune fils de Cyrus et Nettie McCormick, les inventeurs de la moissonneuse-batteuse. Mondains et millionnaires, Stanley et Katherine sont les mariés de l'année - qui plus est, ils semblent amoureux...
Mais Stanley ne va pas bien. Bientôt, il entend des voix et n'arrive plus à contrôler ses accès de violence à l'égard des femmes. Il agresse même la sienne, qu'il aime tendrement. Le diagnostic tombe : Stanley devra être enfermé à Riven Rock, un institut spécialisé. Il ne doit plus voir de femmes. Jamais !
Dès lors, Katherine observe son mari aux jumelles, accroupie dans un massif de bégonias, et attend, telle une naturaliste étudiant les habitudes de quelque animal sauvage. Elle revient chaque année, apportant des cadeaux et des nouvelles du monde extérieur. Un jour, espère-t-elle, un des psychiatres qu'elle a engagés lui rendra Stanley, débarassé de ses démons et aspirant à l'amour...
T.C. Boyle nous conte dans ce roman le destin d'un couple hors du commun, produit de l'histoire américaine - couple mythique, partagé entre l'amour, la violence, les combats du monde extérieur et la fidélité aux êtres chers.
T.C. Boyle vit près de Santa Barbara dans une maison dessinée par l'architecte Frank Lloyd Wright. Il est l'auteur de trois recueils de nouvelles et de six romans dont Water Music, Au bout du monde, Aux bons soins du docteur Kellog et America qui a obtenu en 1997 le prix Médicis étranger.
Siblings Alfie and Emilia are magically transported to Paris, where a case of mistaken identity finds them caught up in the behind-the-scenes drama at a traditional French cooking school.
In this reassuring story, Lucy Goosey learns to face her greatest fear, with the help of her mother, when it comes time for her to fly away from the same pond she has been playing in happily all of her life.
They say the higher you climb, the harder you fall - how will Juliet cope when her perfect world starts to crumble around her?
The physics of finance ; predicting the unpredictable ; how science has taken over Wall Street
James owen Weatherall
A book which reveals the people and ideas on the cusp of a new era in finance...
Afghanistan, 1975: Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the local kite-fighting tournament and his loyal friend Hassan promises to help him. But neither of the boys can foresee what will happen to Hassan that afternoon, an event that is to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realises that one day he must return to Afghanistan under Taliban rule to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption.
Les baby-zoomers ; ce que je dis je l'ai vu, je ne dis pas toujours avec mes propres yeux
David g. Boo
- Cheap
- 8 Octobre 2010
- 9782362930003
Satire sociale.
40 ans après la mort du général de Gaulle, l'envers peu reluisant du décor libéral-libertaire qui s'est substitué au gaullisme, au travers d'une série de portraits tirés du monde intellectuel, du monde politique et des affaires. Pourquoi décor ? Parce que, dissimulée derrière les mots «libertaire» et «libéralisme», mots qui semblent avoir pour référence commune l'idée la plus noble qui soit, celle de liberté, s'est insinuée une forme nouvelle de tyrannie, agressive, celle de l'irresponsabilité et du n'importe quoi.
Corrosif, documenté, parfois cruel, drôle.