R. j. Palacio
Ne jugez pas un livre sur sa couverture.
Ne jugez pas un garçon sur son apparence.
Je m'appelle August. Je ne me décrirai pas. Quoi que vous imaginiez, c'est sans doute pire.
Né avec une malformation faciale, August, dix ans, n'est jamais allé à l'école. Aujourd'hui, pour la première fois, ses parents l'envoient au collège... Pourra-t-il convaincre les élèves qu'il est comme eux ? -
R. j. Palacio
- Gallimard Jeunesse
- Grand Format Litterature ; Serie Romans Ado
- 17 Août 2023
- 9782075170468
Ohio, 1860. Silas Bird, douze ans, est réveillé en pleine nuit par trois cavaliers qui enlèvent son père sous ses yeux. Lorsqu'un singulier poney à tête blanche apparaît sur le seuil de sa cabane, Silas n'a plus qu'une idée : partir à bride abattue à la poursuite des ravisseurs. Accompagné d'un ami étrange et fidèle nommé Mittenwool, il se lance dans un périlleux voyage à travers les grands espaces et la nature sauvage américaine sur les traces de son père... et du secret de sa famille.
R. J. Palacio was born and raised in New York City. She attended the High School of Art and Design and the Parsons School of Design, where she majored in illustration. She was a graphic designer and an art director for many years before writing her critically acclaimed debut novel, Wonder , which has been on the New York Times bestseller list since March 2012, and sold over 16 million copies worldwide. In addition to Wonder , R. J. has written Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories, 365 Days of Wonder, We're All Wonders, and White Bird: A Wonder Story . She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband, two sons and two dogs (Bear and Beau). Learn more about her at or on Twitter at @RJPalacio.
August Pullman stole the hearts of over a million readers in the bestselling, award-winning WONDER. 365 DAYS OF WONDER is a beautiful companion to the novel: a collection of quotes and wise words, one for every day of the year. It includes funny, insightful, inspiring thoughts from WONDER's fans, famous authors and personalities - from Roald Dahl and Paul McCartney to Anne Frank, Tolkien and Popeye - and from the novel itself. It's the perfect gift for anyone who loved WONDER, and it's a book to be treasured and enjoyed again and again.
WONDER IS NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING JULIA ROBERTS AND JACOB TREMBLAY! Over 6 million people have read the #1 New York Times bestseller Wonder-- the book that inspired the Choose Kind movement -- and have fallen in love with Auggie Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. In Wonder , readers were introduced to memorable English teacher Mr. Browne and his love of precepts. This companion book features conversations between Mr. Browne and Auggie, Julian, Summer, Jack Will, and others, giving readers a special peek at their lives after Wonder ends. Mr. Browne's essays and correspondence are rounded out by a precept for each day of the year--drawn from popular songs to childrens books to inscriptions on Egyptian tombstones to fortune cookies. His selections celebrate the goodness of human beings, the strength of peoples hearts, and the power of peoples wills. Theres something for everyone here, with words of wisdom from such noteworthy people as Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr., Confucius, Goethe, Sappho--and over 100 readers of Wonder who sent R. J. Palacio their own precepts.