Michele Zanini
Gary Hamel, Michele Zanini
- Harvard Business School Press
- 23 Juin 2020
- 9781633696020
A Wall Street Journal Bestseller
In a world of unrelenting change and unprecedented challenges, we need organizations that are resilient and daring.
Unfortunately, most organizations, overburdened by bureaucracy, are sluggish and timid. In the age of upheaval, top-down power structures and rule-choked management systems are a liability. They crush creativity and stifle initiative. As leaders, employees, investors, and citizens, we deserve better. We need organizations that are bold, entrepreneurial, and as nimble as change itself. Hence this book.
In Humanocracy, Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini make a passionate, data-driven argument for excising bureaucracy and replacing it with something better. Drawing on more than a decade of research and packed with practical examples, Humanocracy lays out a detailed blueprint for creating organizations that are as inspired and ingenious as the human beings inside them.
Critical building blocks include:
Motivation: Rallying colleagues to the challenge of busting bureaucracy
Models: Leveraging the experience of organizations that have profitably challenged the bureaucratic status quo
Mindsets: Escaping the industrial age thinking that frustrates progress
Mobilization: Activating a pro-change coalition to hack outmoded management systems and processes
Migration: Embedding the principles of humanocracy-ownership, markets, meritocracy, community, openness, experimentation, and paradox-in your organization's DNA
If you've finally run out of patience with bureaucratic bullshit . . .
If you want to build an organization that can outrun change . . .
If you're committed to giving every team member the chance to learn, grow, and contribute . . .
. . . then this book's for you.
Whatever your role or title, Humanocracy will show you how to launch an unstoppable movement to equip and empower everyone in your organization to be their best and to do their best. The ultimate prize: an organization that's fit for the future and fit for human beings. -
Humanocratie : libérez les talents et dynamisez votre entreprise
Gary Hamel, Michele Zanini
- Diateino
- 3 Juin 2021
- 9782354563509
Regardez autour de vous : la bureaucratie est partout. Elle perdure et étouffe les initiatives, malgré un intérêt croissant pour le management horizontal. Les entreprises restent arides, moroses, tétanisées par le changement, et les employés préfèrent laisser leur créativité à la maison, faute de pouvoir lui donner libre cours au travail...
Nous méritons mieux !
Il est grand temps de suivre le plan d'action développé par les experts en management Gary Hamel et Michele Zanini pour se libérer des entraves administratives. Insuffler un esprit entrepreneurial dans le quotidien des employés leur permettra de s'épanouir et de multiplier les projets. Cet ouvrage provocateur, fondé sur plus d'une décennie de recherche et de pratique, détaille les sept principes directeurs de cette transformation et les moyens de la piloter.
L'idée d'Humanocratie est aussi simple que lumineuse : pour préparer son entreprise au futur, il faut d'abord l'adapter aux humains qui la composent !