Elisabeth Smith
Join Andy as he learns French from a fellow passenger on his flight out to Nice, and see him putting it into use when he arrives, sometimes with hilarious consequences. This one-day course is written for the holiday maker for whom a short holiday does not justify a complete language course.
Includes a DVD that offers a way to pick up the Spanish you'll need to get the most out of your holiday or business trip. This one-day course is written for the holiday maker for whom a short holiday does not justify a complete language course. It teaches only basic, core words, and a few useful phrases.
A programme which contains support material to get you speaking German. This work features the speaking exercises and model sentences that get you speaking in whole sentences. It is suitable for the complete beginner or the 'false starter'.
Looking for a French course that works quickly? Learn all the language you need for travelling, shopping, ordering food, staying in a hotel and more. This is your essential guide to getting out and really speaking. In just 35 minutes a day for six weeks you'll be ready to get out and about and make the most of your holiday. -Listen, read and learn wherever you are with this book and online audio course. -Learn 450 useful words and expressions for your travels. -Use the handy flashcards for extra practice and revision. -No complicated grammar - just the essentials for speaking. "Fast, fun and easy" The Independent The audio for this course is available for free from the Teach Yourself Library app or can be streamed at
Notre-Dame Cathedral : The Work of Centuries
Julie Claustre, Darwin Smith, Elisabeth Lusset
- Gallimard
- Decouvertes Gallimard
- 5 Décembre 2024
- 9782073048486
Built on the Île de la Cité during the Middle Ages, Notre-Dame Cathedral is an integral part of French history. The sacred presence of the cathedral, a major monument of Gothic architecture and an emblem of power throughout its existence, has never ceased to inspire the popular imagination. Indeed, Notre-Dame, the "mile zero" used to measure distances, is one of the nerve centers of France. On April 15, 2019, the burning of Viollet-le-Duc's spire provoked considerable emotion around the world, providing a stark reminder that the building belongs to a shared heritage. Thanks to both traditional know-how and the latest technology, the restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral has revived interest in its architecture and the history linking us to the living monument, the most visited in the world.
The GR5 trail Vosges and Jura
Smith Elisabeth, Les Smith
- Cicerone Press
- 12 Février 2018
- 9781852848125
Chamanisme, rapport aux ancêtres et intégration transgénérationnelle : pratiques contemporaines et sagesses universelles
Thierry Gaillard, Olivier Douville, Michael c. Smith, Elisabeth Horowitz, Iona Miller, Pierre Ramaut
- Genesis Editions
- 20 Mai 2016
- 9782940540181
Les Anciens connaissaient le potentiel thérapeutique des liens entre les générations que nous redécouvrons aujourd'hui avec les thérapies transgénérationnelles. Loin d'être une nouvelle mode, la reconnaissance des dynamiques transgénérationnelles remonte à l'époque des premières collectivités de type chamaniques. Leurs méthodes pour guérir la maladie des ancêtres fournissent aux thérapies contemporaines des références historiques aussi essentielles que riches d'enseignements. L'intégration transgénérationnelle offre un terrain d'entente aux échanges entre savoirs anciens et actuels. Un domaine qui favorise autant l'enracinement des pratiques thérapeutiques que le renouvellement des sagesses universelles. Avec le concours de spécialistes de différents horizons, cet ouvrage collectif présente un large spectre de perspectives qui associe d'anciennes connaissances aux pratiques contemporaines.