Edward w. Said
L'orientalisme. l'orient cree par l'occident
Edward w. Said
- Points
- Points Essais
- 14 Avril 2015
- 9782757853078
« L'Orient » est une création de l'Occident, son double, son contraire, l'incarnation de ses craintes et de son sentiment de supériorité tout à la fois, la chair d'un corps dont il ne voudrait être que l'esprit.
À étudier l'orientalisme, présent en politique et en littérature, dans les récits de voyage et dans la science, on apprend donc peu de choses sur l'Orient, et beaucoup sur l'Occident. C'est de ce discours qu'on trouvera ici la magistrale archéologie.
Edward W. Said (1935-2003) Né à Jérusalem, émigré aux États-Unis en 1951, il a été professeur de littérature comparée à l'université de Columbia. Il est l'auteur de plus de vingt livres, traduits dans une trentaine de langues, dont Des intellectuels et du pouvoir, paru au Seuil.
Dans l'ombre de l'Occident ; les Arabes peuvent-ils parler ?
Edward w. Said, Seloua Luste boulbina
- Payot
- Petite Bibliotheque Payot
- 12 Mars 2014
- 9782228910538
Trois entretiens (« Dans l'ombre de l'Occident » ; « Entre deux cultures » ; « L'Europe et ses autres : une perspective arabe ») où Edward Said fournit des clés pour mieux comprendre son oeuvre, en particulier L'Orientalisme, et les principaux thèmes qui la parcourent (l'exil, les rapports entre Juifs et Palestiniens, le racisme, le colonialisme, la place politique de la littérature, etc.). L'ensemble est suivi d'un essai de Seloua Luste Boulbina sur la manière dont les Arabes déracinés parlent d'eux-mêmes.
Originally published 25 years ago 'Orientalism' is an influential book of ideas. Edward Said surveys the history and nature of Western attitudes towards the East. For generations now this book has defined our understanding of colonialism and empire.
Dans l'ombre de l'occident / les arabes peuvent-ils parler ?
Edward w. Said
- Black Jack
- 8 Novembre 2011
- 9782918063216
Avec Yasser Arafat et Mahmoud Darwich, Edward W.
Saïd est sans doute l'un des trois palestiniens les plus célèbre du XXe siècle. Bien que la plupart de ses textes soient traduits en français, la pensée de ce Palestinien de nationalité américaine, dont Tzvetan Todorov disait qu'il était l'un des intellectuels les plus influents du monde, est encore peu connue du public non académique francophone. À l'heure où éclatent les révolutions arabes, où les nationalismes s'affirment sans fard un peu partout en Europe, où la France est en proie aux polémiques sur « l'identité nationale », la pensée d'Edward Saïd s'impose dans toute sa puissance, son acuité politique, et permet de porter un regard critique sur l'actualité occidentale ; manière, en somme, de regarder sous le tapis d'un occidentalo-centrisme décadent.
Blackjack éditions publie ainsi Dans L'ombre de l'Occident, titre générique d'un recueil de trois entretiens, inédits en français (extraits du recueil Power, politics and culture, interviews with Edward W.
Saïd, publié en 2004 par Bloomsbury) qui offrent une approche transversale de l'univers d'Edward Saïd et permettent de comprendre comment le statut d'exilé est intrinsèquement lié au développement de cette réflexion originale. Edward Saïd parle depuis l'exil, sa parole est « entre mondes ». Et c'est de cette position qu'il critique les systèmes de représentations, la manière dont l'Occident construit des images de l'Orient, du Moyen-Orient.
Il discerne, par extension, la manière dont l'Occident construit son rapport à l'Autre. Ces constructions se révèlent radicalement politiques, directement dominatrices.
Edward Saïd montre ainsi comment la culture, dans son ensemble, est travaillée par les rapports de forces et d'instrumentalisation. Émanciper l'altérité au sein même des représentations, introduire la parole d'un Autre qui ne serait pas réductible ou manipulable, tel est sans doute l'enjeu majeur de l'oeuvre de Saïd dont il est question dans ces entretiens.
« Pris entre «salamalecs» et «charabia», les Arabes n'intéressent pas «le monde».
Les musulmans non plus. Si l'islam retient politiquement l'attention, le «monde arabe» est décor et paysage ». À travers ce texte au titre provocateur, Seloua Luste Boulbina, philosophe et politiste, ne se demande bien sûr pas si les Arabes sont, dans l'absolu, en capacité de parole, mais cherche des territoires où les paroles des Arabes peuvent trouver des résonances singulières dans une culture occidentale historiquement dominatrice.
« Les frontières coloniales, écrit-elle encore, ne sont pas géographiques, elles sont avant tout humaines ».
Dès lors, les « entre-mondes », concept forgé par Edward Saïd, ces lieux de l'art et de la littérature, deviennent un fil conducteur pour dire les déplacements et les migrations qui permettent de construire un langage commun et d'instaurer une réelle esthétique de la parole. Dans Les Arabes peuvent-ils parler ?, Seloua Luste Boulbina engage des dialogues, met en écho des voix aussi diverses que celles de Frantz Fanon, Sigmund Freud, Joseph Conrad, Edward Saïd, Hannah Arendt, Henri Michaux, Mallarmé, Arjun Appaduraï, Jean Josh Rabearivelo, Victor Segalen, Jacques Derrida, Frantz Kafka, Yoko Ogawa, Theodor Adorno, René Descartes, Samuel Beckett, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Mahmoud Darwich, Sayed Kashua, Marcel Detienne, Amin Maalouf, Nietzsche, Joyce, Clément Rosset, Edgar Poe, Charles Baudelaire, Alexis de Tocqueville, Roland Barthes ou encore d'Ovide.
La diversité des figures de l'exil met alors en question anciennes divisions coloniales et stéréotypes contemporains.
Ici, les Arabes sortent de l'ombre, trouvent place dans l'expérience commune. Les philosophes, écrivains, poètes, artistes, exilés dans leur propre langue, seraient-ils tous des Arabes se demandant en français s'ils peuvent parler ? Entre esthétique et politique, le texte de Seloua Luste Boulbina est comme une respiration, au style précis, organique : il nous invite à tendre l'oreille.
Edward Said experienced both British and American imperialism as the old Arab order crumbled in the late forties and early fifties. This account of his early life reveals the influences that have formed his books, "Orientalism" and "Culture and Imperialism".
Following his profoundly influential study, Orientalism, Edward Said now examines western culture. From Jane Austen to Salman Rushdie, from Yeats to media coverage of the Gulf War, Culture and Imperialism is a broad, fierce and wonderfully readable account of the roots of imperialism in European culture.
In these impassioned and inspiring essays, based on his 1993 Reith Lectures, Edward Said explores what it means to be an intellectual today. Are intellectuals merely the servants of special interests or do they have a larger responsibility? In these wide-ranging essays, one of our most brilliant and fiercely independent public thinkers addresses this question with extraordinary eloquence. Said sees the the intellectual as an exile and amateur whose role it is "to speak the truth to power" even at the risk of ostracism or imprisonment. Drawing on the examples of Jonathan Swift and Theodor Adorno, Robert Oppenheimer and Henry Kissinger, Vietnam and the Gulf War, Said explores the implications of this idea and shows what happens when intellectuals succumb to the lures of money, power, or specialization.
Edward w. Said
- Granta Books
- 2 Août 2012
- 9781847085979
With their powerful blend of political and aesthetic concerns, Edward W. Said's writings have transformed the field of literary studies. As in the title essay, the widely admired "Reflections on Exile," the fact of his own exile and the fate of the Palestinians have given both form and the force of intimacy to the questions Said has pursued. Taken together, these essays--from the famous to those that will surprise even Said's most assiduous followers--afford rare insight into the formation of a critic and the development of an intellectual vocation. Said's topics are many and diverse, from the movie heroics of Tarzan to the machismo of Ernest Hemingway to the shades of difference that divide Alexandria and Cairo. He offers major reconsiderations of writers and artists such as George Orwell, Giambattista Vico, Georg Lukacs, R. P. Blackmur, E. M. Cioran, Naguib Mahfouz, Herman Melville, Joseph Conrad, Walter Lippman, Samuel Huntington, Antonio Gramsci, and Raymond Williams. Invigorating, edifying, acutely attentive to the vying pressures of personal and historical experience, his book is a source of immeasurable intellectual delight.
A collection of essays by the late journalist on the Middle East, published between 2000 and 2003, includes pieces on Clinton's negotiations on the "Law of Return" for Palestinians, the Bush administration's ill-advised allegiances to the Christian right and oil companies, and the writer's impassioned condemnation of the war in Iraq. Reprint.
Edward w. Said
- Vintage Usa
- 11 Mars 1997
- 9780679758907
In this classic work, now updated, the author of Culture and Imperialism reveals the hidden agendas and distortions of fact that underlie even the most "objective" coverage of the Islamic world. From the Iranian hostage crisis through the Gulf War and the bombing of the World Trade Center, the American news media have portrayed "Islam" as a monolithic entity, synonymous with terrorism and religious hysteria. At the same time, Islamic countries use "Islam" to justify unrepresentative and often repressive regimes. Combining political commentary with literary criticism, Covering Islam continues Edward Said's lifelong investigation of the ways in which language not only describes but also defines political reality.
Edward w. Said
- Vintage Usa
- 12 Février 2019
- 9780525565314
The renowned literary and cultural critic Edward Said was one of our eras most provocative and important thinkers. This comprehensive collection of his work, expanded from the earlier Edward Said Reader, now draws from across his entire four-decade career, including his posthumously published books, making it a definitive one-volume source. The Selected Works includes key sections from all of Saids books, including his groundbreaking Orientalism; his memoir, Out of Place ; and his last book, On Late Style . Whether writing of Zionism or Palestinian self-determination, Jane Austen or Yeats, or of music or the media, Saids uncompromising intelligence casts urgent light on every subject he undertakes. The Selected Works is a joy for the general reader and an indispensable resource for scholars in the many fields that his work has influenced and transformed.
Gauri Viswanathan, Edward w. Said
- Vintage Usa
- 27 Août 2002
- 9781400030668
Edward Said has long been considered one of the world's most compelling public intellectuals, taking on a remarkable array of topics with his many publications. But no single book has encompassed the vast scope of his stimulating erudition quite like Power, Politics, and Culture, a collection of interviews from the last three decades.
In these twenty-eight interviews, Said addresses everything from Palestine to Pavarotti, from his nomadic upbringing under colonial rule to his politically active and often controversial adulthood, and reflects on Austen, Beckett, Conrad, Naipaul, Mahfouz, and Rushdie, as well as on fellow critics Bloom, Derrida, and Foucault. The passion Said feels for literature, music, history, and politics is powerfully conveyed in this indispensable complement to his prolific life's work. -
These free-wheeling, often exhilarating dialogues--which grew out of the acclaimed Carnegie Hall Talks--are an exchange between two of the most prominent figures in contemporary culture: Daniel Barenboim, internationally renowned conductor and pianist, and Edward W. Said, eminent literary critic and impassioned commentator on the Middle East. Barenboim is an Argentinian-Israeli and Said a Palestinian-American; they are also close friends. As they range across music, literature, and society, they open up many fields of inquiry: the importance of a sense of place; music as a defiance of silence; the legacies of artists from Mozart and Beethoven to Dickens and Adorno; Wagner's anti-Semitism; and the need for "artistic solutions" to the predicament of the Middle East--something they both witnessed when they brought young Arab and Israeli musicians together. Erudite, intimate, thoughtful and spontaneous, Parallels and Paradoxes is a virtuosic collaboration.
Soon after the Oslo accords were signed in September 1993 by Israel and Palestinian Liberation Organization, Edward Said predicted that they could not lead to real peace. In these essays, most written for Arab and European newspapers, Said uncovers the political mechanism that advertises reconciliation in the Middle East while keeping peace out of the picture. Said argues that the imbalance in power that forces Palestinians and Arab states to accept the concessions of the United States and Israel prohibits real negotiations and promotes the second-class treatment of Palestinians. He documents what has really gone on in the occupied territories since the signing. He reports worsening conditions for the Palestinians critiques Yasir Arafat's self-interested and oppressive leadership, denounces Israel's refusal to recognize Palestine's past, and--in essays new to this edition--addresses the resulting unrest. In this unflinching cry for civic justice and self-determination, Said promotes not a political agenda but a transcendent alternative: the peaceful coexistence of Arabs and Jews enjoying equal rights and shared citizenship.
Edward w. Said
- Vintage Usa
- 30 Mai 1995
- 9780679761457
Ever since the appearance of his groundbreaking The Question of Palestine, Edward Said has been America''s most outspoken advocate for Palestinian self-determination. As these collected essays amply prove, he is also our most intelligent and bracingly heretical writer on affairs involving not only Palestinians but also the Arab and Muslim worlds and their tortuous relations with the West.
In The Politics of Dispossession Said traces his people''s struggle for statehood through twenty-five years of exile, from the PLO''s bloody 1970 exile from Jordan through the debacle of the Gulf War and the ambiguous 1994 peace accord with Israel. As frank as he is about his personal involvement in that struggle, Said is equally unsparing in his demolition of Arab icons and American shibboleths. Stylish, impassioned, and informed by a magisterial knowledge of history and literature, The Politics of Dispossession is a masterly synthesis of scholarship and polemic that has the power to redefine the debate over the Middle East. -
A collection of essays by the late cultural critic explores great works of music and literature produced by Beethoven, Schoenberg, Mann, Cavafy, Beckett, Gould, Straus, Genet, and others at the end of their creative lives, analyzing how these works differed from previous ones and what they reveal about each musician's or writer's artistic evolution. Reprint.