Christoph Niemann
L'Alchimiste : Édition illustrée
Paulo Coelho
- Flammarion
- Litterature Etrangere Flammarion
- 22 Mai 2024
- 9782080452269
«Mon coeur craint de souffrir, dit le jeune homme à l'Alchimiste, une nuit qu'ils regardaient le ciel sans lune. - Dis-lui que la crainte de la souffrance est pire que la souffrance elle-même. Et qu'aucun coeur n'a jamais souffert alors qu'il était à la poursuite de ses rêves.» Santiago, jeune berger andalou, part à la recherche d'un trésor enfoui au pied des Pyramides. Lorsqu'il rencontre l'Alchimiste dans le désert, celui-ci lui apprend à écouter son coeur, à lire les signes du destin et, par-dessus tout, à aller au bout de son rêve. Merveilleux conte philosophique destiné à l'enfant qui sommeille en chacun de nous, L'Alchimiste a marqué des millions de lecteurs. À l'occasion des trente ans de sa publication en France, cette édition anniversaire illustrée par Christoph Niemann célèbre le livre iconique de Paulo Coelho et nous invite à le redécouvrir.
Face à l'archer d'exception venu se mesurer à lui, le maître Tetsuya donne bien plus qu'une leçon de tir à l'arc et fait une formidable démonstration des pouvoirs insoupçonnés de son art. Un jeune garçon du village, témoin de ce coup d'éclat, insiste pour qu'il lui transmette son savoir. Le maître l'avertit : il veut bien lui apprendre les règles nécessaires, mais à lui ensuite de les faire siennes et de s'en servir pour devenir un homme meilleur.C'est ainsi que Tetsuya commence à enseigner à son nouveau disciple la mystérieuse «voie de l'archer», le parcours de toute une vie.Dans la droite ligne de L'Alchimiste, Paulo Coelho nous offre un nouveau conte poétique et lumineux qui invite à réfléchir sur nous-mêmes et à chercher notre propre voie. Chacun peut en tirer les préceptes susceptibles d'éclairer ses choix et sa vie au quotidien : s'adapter aux changements, rester concentré sur ses objectifs ou encore trouver le courage de prendre des décisions délicates.
Depuis toujours, ce petit nuage rêve de devenir policier dans la grande ville : arrêter les voleurs, régler la circulation, surveiller le parc municipal. Bref, porter une casquette bleue et aider les gens ! Aidé par son ami l'hélicoptère, il entre dans la police. Et là, catastrophe ! Tout ce qu'il entreprend rate lamentablement. Que faire quand on a une vocation qui ne correspond pas à ses talents ni aux circonstances ? En changer, bien sûr ! Le hasard et les sentiments vont voler au secours du petit nuage...
Un enfant regarde un gâteau avec une mine gourmande : voici l'illustration du verbe « attirer ». Un jardinier remarque une feuille morte qu'il n'a pas encore ramassée dans son sac ; la légende de cette image est « presque ». Plus de 300 notions et nuances sont illustrées ainsi, avec une simplicité non dépourvue de malice. En faisant appel aux associations d'idées, à la merveilleuse logique enfantine, et au goût du jeu, Christoph Niemann signe un imagier très original où seules les couleurs sont primaires ! A partir de 5 ans.
Comment ça marche, un train, un camion, un navire, un avion ? demande cette petite fille. Hmmm. laisse-moi réfléchir, répond le petit garçon à chaque fois. Et quand il réfléchit, avec son imagination débordante, ça donne des résultats.incroyables, épatants, et animaliers ! Car, pour lui, ce sont des ours chatouilleux et des chimpanzés gourmands cachés dedans qui actionnent les machines les plus perfectionnées. Mais la petite fille, elle aussi, a une excellente idée pour faire marcher son vélo !
In July 2008, illustrator and designer Christoph Niemann began Abstract City, a visual blog for the New York Times. His posts were inspired by the desire to re-create simple and everyday observations and stories from his own life that everyone could relate to. In Niemann's hands, mundane experiences such as riding the subway or trying to get a good night's sleep were transformed into delightful flights of visual fancy. The struggle to keep up with housework became a battle against adorable but crafty goblins, and nostalgia about New York manifested in simple but strikingly spot-on LEGO creations. This brilliantly illustrated collection of reflections on modern life includes all 16 of the original blog posts as well as a new chapter created exclusively for the book.
Tour the world through the vibrant travel drawings of New Yorker illustrator Christoph Niemann.
Berlin-based Christoph Niemann (born 1970) simply can't resist traveling. Luckily for us, he's not just a standard globetrotter but an artist who masterfully captures his surroundings, wherever they may be, in his characteristically vibrant brush and ink drawings. «As an artist,» he says, «I'm conscious of the limitations that come from seeing the world through a Western lens. That's why I like to travel: because traveling requires?and inspires?a shift in perspective.» And so, in Away, we accompany him on journeys to all the destinations our wanderlust might desire, be they picturesque towns, bustling cities or sublime nature: from the elegant Tuileries of Paris to the dramatic Arctic forms of the Svalbard archipelago, from Angkor Wat to São Paulo and Venice and beyond. The drawings are quietly enchanting snapshots of the world around us, transporting the viewer to wherever Niemann picked up his brush. Stripped down and restrained, in vibrant colors, they awaken in the viewer the desire for travel and adventure.
Christoph Niemann (born 1970) is an award-winning illustrator, the creator of the Abstract Sunday feature in the New York Times Magazine and a regular contributor to the New Yorker. His previous publications include Souvenir and Abstract City, based on his popular New York Times feature. -
The acclaimed New Yorker illustrator's ink and pencil observations on the theme of travel This elaborate book features over 160 ink and pencil drawings by Christoph Niemann, each a story of an unfamiliar place. They are observations on traveling, arriving and immersing oneself, on the melancholy of being on the road and the adventure of discovering new destinations--among them New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Seville and Kyoto.
Regardless of their subjects, these are all sketches that grasp the magic, light and mood of a place in a handful of virtuoso strokes. In Niemann's own words: "Over time memories change. Most things fade, while others become more significant. Connections arise that one wasn't aware of originally. Sometimes a drawing can capture all this in a new and surprising way. And with some luck, the picture feels as authentic as the moment itself." Born in Waiblingen, Germany, in 1970, Christoph Niemann is an artist, graphic designer and author of various books. His work has appeared on more than 25 New Yorker covers since 1998, with illustrations in Weltkunst magazine, Wired and the New York Times Magazine. He was inducted into the Art Directors Club Hall of Fame in 2010. Niemann lives and works in Berlin.
A revised edition of the acclaimed satirical guide to the world's evils, embracing pain and laughter, the extraordinary and the banal.
In what forms does evil show its ugly face today? Gigantic worms boring their way through the globe? Pieces of a puzzle eating one another? The jets of a shower piercing the body of an unexpecting man beneath? A lone leaf fluttering to the ground before finally shattering? These and other delightfully incongruous images await us in 100% Evil.
Simultaneously dark and hilarious, this book of drawings by renowned illustrators Nicholas Blechman (born 1986), creative director of the New Yorker, and Christoph Niemann (born 1970), a regular contributor to the New Yorker, reveal their visions of evil in today's unpredictable world. The pair, who met in the '90s while working at the New York Times and the New Yorker, respectively, spent many nights of their early friendship at bars, sketching out images to represent the sex affairs, political scandals and acts of terror that constituted the news. As the world grew darker, they devoted more time to the depiction of evil. The result, 100% Evil, is a thoughtful, comical and--at times--joyful book that shows sometimes it's good to be bad. It was originally published in 2005 as part of the One Hundred Percent series of limited-edition illustrated books.
From award-winning artist and author Cristoph Niemann comes a collection of witty illustrations and whimsical views on working creatively. This survey of Niemann''s work will be done in his signature style, combining photography and illustration in surprising and humourous ways. Taking its title from his New York Times column Abstract Sunday, this book covers Niemann''s entire career and showcases brilliant observations of contemporary life through sketches, travel journals and popular newspaper features. The narrative guides readers through Christoph''s creative process, how he built his career, and how he overcomes the internal and external obstacles that creative people face--all presented with disarming wit and intellect. Enhanced with nearly 350 original images, this book is a tremendous inspirational and aspirational resource.